Hi everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe in these crazy times! Amongst all of the madness, we have managed to move yards and we are now based from the beautiful Mayor House Farm near Farley Green in Surrey. I must say a huge thank you to my new landlords Roger and Karen Stone for welcoming us to their beautiful yard and allowing us to move in early before the lock down was put in place. Four days of hard work later and a great team effort from Tara, Kevin, Lottie and Elliot, the horses were happily settled into their stables and enjoying their first bites of Surrey grass.

Although there have been no events to go to, I have used this unusual time to go back to basics with the horses and make sure that no stones have been left unturned in their training. I have been communicating regularly with my trainers Gill Watson and Ros Morgan via WhatsApp, running through dressage tests and jumping exercises and sending videos off to them for their feedback. It's very rare in the busy schedule of running event horses that we get the opportunity to take a step back and re-evaluate things. Whilst I would love nothing more than to be packing the lorry for Chatsworth this weekend, we are making the best out of a bad situation so that we are on top form for when competitions resume. A special thanks must go to my loyal owners for supporting me through this difficult time. The horses have also had great fun exploring the Surrey Hills with the great off road hacking we have on our doorstep!
The top class facilities at Mayor House Farm make it a perfect environment for producing event horses. I am currently looking to expand my string and have availability to take horses in for competition livery, schooling (short or long term) and sales livery.
We have been following government guidelines for Covid-19 very seriously here at Mayor House Farm. Following the UK Prime Minister’s broadcast on Monday and guidance from the British Equestrian Federation, I believe it is now appropriate to resume teaching to external clients from the facilities here at Mayor House Farm. I will be available for individual lessons only and all social distancing rules will be adhered to.
I also have limited availability for clients to base their horses with me here on a part/full livery basis. This would be a great opportunity for someone who wants to compete to ride with like-minded people and train with a 5* rider at top class facilities.
If you are interested in any of the above, please call me on 07900 953904 or email admin@harrydzeniseventing.com to discuss your requirements.
All the best and stay safe,